“Doctor Love”
Warnings: He ain’t got no competition, only he writes my prescription
“And The Irrelogical Evolution of One Sadie Biltmore”💋⚽
Warnings: the GC, attempted murder, flamingo shaming, an aggressive pooch, bad religion, adultery, gaslighting, puppy love, corny married sims, and way too many gifs.
“A Sim of The People”
Warnings: naked pixels, death, excessive cleaning, accidental platinum status, drugs, drinking, new villains, fart jokes, and a spoiled brat.
“The Chosen Ones”
Warnings: cuteness overload, skilling plumbobs, mean girls, trashcan vandalism, fisticuffs, and dreams coming true.
“The Relationship Guru”
Warnings: busy-bodying, prophetic cups on a stick, deadly toys, food sleeping, poo water surfing, and fatal attractions.
“Final Fantasy”
Warnings: inappropriate wedding behavior, sappy toasts, disillusioned exes, and not as badly posed as before wedding photos.
“Anger Management”
Warnings: glowing babies, thievery, fisticuffs, vandalism, child abandonment, and lots of gifs for all my feels.
“The Odd Couple”
Warnings: voyeurism, irate neighbors, dance montages, hairy sims, and a rekindled romance.