“There’s Something About Minka”
Warnings: theft, electrocutions, a mini-bachlorette challenge, Adult/Teen romance, and a rager.
Previously on The Oceanside Project: Yomoshoto…
Saturday, Day Six
Minka Yomoshoto, resident science maniac and promising doctor, is recovering from her double mental breakdown quite well!
Kendrick Troubadour, Minka’s estranged ex, fiendishly steals Minka’s newspaper in the wee hours of the morning. Super mature. That will show her… >.>
After assisting in three births Minka finally gets a job in the Medicine career!
…but she can’t really DO her job yet since she’s super pregnant.
Oblivious to the newspaper thievery going on downstairs, Minka heads upstairs to examine scientific stuff under her microscope.
Oh, look who’s back to steal more newspapers. Really. Get a hobby dude.
It’s time for Minka’s baby shower! Minka invites over her best gal-pals for a fun-filled afternoon.
Minka is ashamed that, with all of her scientific knowledge, she still can’t make decent hot dogs.
Dawn: Do you know my ass is pregnant again? Matisse, you have to give me your soda in the woohoo recipe, cause mine isn’t working!
Vivian and Selena: Ewwwwww!
While Matisse is dining outside, Minka tells the other girls that she thinks Matisse’s brother Kendrick is stealing her newspapers. Dawn suggests that maybe Minka and Kendrick need to sit down and talk about everything that’s happened between them. Maybe they can come to some sort of resolution.
Oh, I see a session of the Mean Girls Club is starting…
Vivian: Dawn, you’re never going to believe it…
Vivian: You know my husband, Malcolm…
Vivian: …totally got fired on his first day!
Matisse: Tee hee! That shit was funny!
*rolls eyes*
Selena! How many times do I have to tell you not to go in the hot tub when it’s raining!
Selena smiles through the pain and leaves the party early.
Immediately after that…
Dawn Lambswool is dumb enough to stay in the electro-shock hot tub even after her two friends are fried.
Matisse feels really bad for all of Kendrick’s bad behavior. She tells Minka that later on tonight she has a surprise for her.
Matisse: Be well-rested and look hot!
Instead of frying Dawn in the hot tub, the lightning hits the porch and sets the house on fire!
Um, Minka, all of your guests are getting scared away.
Well, as long as they had a GOOD TIME!
Minka has no idea what Matisse has in store for her but she trusts her bestie and takes a quick nap.
Gee thanks Kendrick. Now we don’t have to recycle all of those newspapers. Idgit.
Minka wakes up to a *pop* (#2) and a lot of noise on her front lawn.
Matisse invited all of the eligible bachelors on the island to Minka’s house!
*Note she did not invite Diego because — reasons — nor Abbot because Abbot likes men*
Shy little Minka is unsure of what to do. However she gets dressed and heads out to talk to all of the men at her house.
Bachelor #1 is Lars Shadow, Oceanside’s Postal Carrier. He enjoys overly perfumed Elders that lack creativity.
Vivian happened to walk by (not checking in on Minka at all…) and is accosted by reviewer Beckett Graham.
Beckett: I haven’t been to your bank yet but I’m sure to give it a poor rating!
Vivian: You give my bank a poor rating today and you won’t have a job tomorrow. Do you know who I am? I am Vivian Moneywell Landgraab and I own you!
Beckett: *gasp*
Dude, don’t mess with Wendy Testaburger.
Meanwhile, back to Minka and Bachelor #1.
Lars explains to Minka that the use of soda in the woohoo before woohoo would have prevented whatever is going on in her belly right now.
Yeah, let’s move on to the other Bachelors, shall we?
But first why don’t you scope the area and see who’s looking good tonight?
B-But you’re NEGATIVE with him!
Oh Minka. You always seem to want the guys that don’t care about you
Moving on to Bachelor #2: Rocky Kotsomiti, Garden Club founder. Rocky enjoys logical gals in their chonies. No four-eyes need apply.
They have an OK conversation but I don’t think Minka can get past the greasy hair.
Yes, we gathered that from the last time you scoped the room Minka…
Bachelor #3 is Achilles Brook, Science Guy ™. Achilles loves science and so does Minka! Achilles likes creative blondes with an aversion to swimwear.
Minka’s first conversation with Achilles goes rather well. And they even share a bolt!
Next is Bachelor #4: Paragon Barrett the Culinary Guy (no tm). Paragon likes sweet-smelling, jewelry wearing ladies that have jobs. Minka and Paragon can’t even carry-on a decent conversation. Next!
Bachelor #5… aw f*ck it. He’s a dick.
Minka returns to Achilles who she is super excited to be able to talk science to!
Out of the 5 guys only 2 of them are worthy of bolts and only one of the two likes the same things Minka likes.
Achilles Brook seems to be the winner tonight folks!
She has a lot to think about. Better get a good night’s sleep.
Sunday, Day Seven
Angie Killeen, the Nanny, calls to check up on Minka. Angie was there during Minka’s breakdown and has been terribly worried about her. After the call Minka gained another friend.
But Minka’s not OK. She’s still upset about Kendrick and Brodie woohooing right in front of her at her best friend’s baby’s birthday party. Matisse is right. Minka needs to find a new man that won’t cheat on her and treats her right.
*cough* Minka is totally ignoring the fact that she cheated on Kendrick first *cough*
Minka calls Achilles to see if he wants to hang out for a while.
Ugh. That’s what happens when you live in a cave without electricity and running water.
Miraculously Achilles just happens to be passing by Minka’s house!
*I totes teleported him over*
A little shy flirting gets Achilles all hot and bothered!
So I took a peek at Achilles’ ACR settings. He likes Minka!
Minka heads inside to make lunch meat sandwiches for herself and her “date”.
Minka always breaks out the logic ball when she’s nervous. It didn’t faze Achilles though!
Minka is starting to really like Achilles. He’s good-looking and intelligent. Kendrick and Diego are both good-looking but intelligent….? He reminds Minka of Fitz, if Fitz had confidence.
Minka is fading fast so she says goodbye to Achilles (and she gets to see him in his swimwear!) …
Later that night…
Minka’s contractions wake her right up. Being a doctor, Minka knows the time is near.
She’s assisted in three deliveries before and always thought the girls where just being wussy babies about the pain. But dang, this hurts!
Kira Yomoshoto has black hair, light skin and dark brown eyes just like her mother. It’s a good thing too. No one will ever know who her real father is! She can say it’s anybody!
Minka is frightened of this new little person she’s in charge of taking care of. How will she be the perfect mom? How will she be able to raise Kira all by herself?
Minka: It’s just you and me Kira. I guess we have to raise each other.
Minka hangs a poster of the Simlish alphabet over Kira’s crib. Education starts at day one in the Yomoshoto household.
Angie calls to once again check in on Minka. Minka lets her know that she just had the baby and that herself and Kira are doing fine.
But is she really “doing fine”?
Monday, Day Eight
Minka awakens to Kira’s cries. Is this what she signed up for?
Minka: OK Kira. You smell really bad. Should I change your diaper or what?
Oh Minka. Stop. You’re the smart one, remember?
After successfully changing her first diaper, Minka sits down to pay her taxes.
Like every other mom in Oceanside, Minka received a bouncy jumpy for her baby shower. Minka sets her baby girl down in it for the first time…
So she can change into a new outfit. Minka thinks since she’s a mom and a doctor now she shouldn’t be dressing like a school girl.
Achilles happened to be in the neighborhood and comes right on in. Minka asks if he would like to go on a “date” with her. In the living room, of course. Because she can’t let Kira out of her sight.
Achilles is down for at-home date time! He’ll do anything to spend more time with Minka.
Angie stops by and sees Minka and Achilles dancing together. It’s not at all what she expected. I think Angie was hoping she and Minka could be more than friends.
Minka’s starting to feel a little bit better. Achilles is a nice, decent guy. Maybe he could be the one?
And he has morals! Minka tried to cop a little feel and Achilles was not having any of it. Minka was shocked!
Soon Achilles gave in to Minka’s formidable charms.
My, that escalated quickly… Wait, don’t even think about it, Minka…
I’m right there with you Kira!
*Man, I need a gif of the babies going bonkers in the bouncy jumpy. It’s hilarious!*
After woohoo, Minka and Achilles sit down for lunch and science.
Minka: Ugh! What is that smell!
After a meal and a diaper change, Kira is put to bed.
This date was exactly what Minka needed. She’s not too concerned that she could be pregnant again. It is what it is. At least this baby daddy is single and could maybe help her out a little bit.
Even though the date is over Achilles doesn’t want to leave. Who can blame him? That cave he shares with all of the other NPCs is cold and damp. He really likes Minka. Maybe they could work something out…
Minka is the first sim in Oceanside to get a Good Reputation! The shy little Fortune sim! ^.^
Minka and Achilles hang out the rest of the night in the hot tub just talking and cuddling…
Until Minka says goodnight and heads to bed.
Later that night Achilles sneaks around Minka’s house…
Holy Simoly Minka! Just what a money-hungry girl wants: an expensive DJ Booth! How could Achilles afford that?
Tuesday, Day Nine
After taking care of Kira’s needs Minka rushes to the bathroom.
Minka: Damn, I’m really pregnant again?!
Noelee shows up to take Minka to work but she still can’t go! Minka desperately wants to go to work but knows she can’t leave Kira alone.
Seeing Frankie at the front door reminds Minka of all of the horrible things Achilles told her about living on the other side of the island. How the wild hyenas steal their food, and there’s no running water, and how everyone smells really bad. Minka doesn’t want the father of her unborn child to live like a caveman!
Even though she’s not in love with him, Minka knows Achilles is a great guy and he can help her take care of Kira. Minka asks Achilles to move in with her.
Well, we knew he wasn’t rich, but damn!
Now a full-fledge resident of Oceanside, Achilles takes Knowledge as his 2nd aspiration (which is more fitting for him IMO).
Achilles’ contributions to the house are his two Science! plaques and smart milk. Because two scientists need to give their children the best possible advantages that science can create!
While Minka lays down for a nap…
Achilles heads outside to greet his buddy Lars.
Later Achilles investigates Minka’s test dummy, and almost kills it.
Achilles is more than happy to help Minka out with Kira while she sleeps. Achilles really likes Minka and hopes that they can be together for a long time. Maybe even one day Kira will call him Daddy.
Being a Popularity Sim, Achilles loves to throw a party. He thought it would be a great idea to throw one in honor of Kira’s birth. He invites all of his friends from the cave…
and everyone else as well! This is the biggest house party ever thrown in Oceanside!
As soon as the guests arrive…
Evil Teen Calvin O’Gill and Tinkerer Abbot Moulden share an awkward first kiss.
As well as Music & Dancer Edwina Goddard and Lars!
Minka wakes up to all of the commotion and a *pop #1*
Ugh, Minka. You’re never going to get to go to work.
Beckett Graham is perma-stuck to stink face.
Anti-social Beckett heads outside to play chess alone but Vivian joins him.
Beckett: I don’t think you can handle my mad skills, Mrs. Landgraab.
Kendrick and Noelee are hugging? And Brodie isn’t saying anything?? Hmmmmmm……
Achilles decides to test out his gift to Minka. He secretly would love to be a professional DJ.
Minka sees Kendrick and stops in her tracks. It’s been a while since she last saw him and she can honestly say that she is over him. She has a new baby and a new man. Kendrick still, obviously, has feelings for her. It’s a sad situation.
The blondes in the hot tub are joined by Hair God Rocky Kotsomiti.
Malcolm finds a cute little fox to play with.
More Teen/Adult flirting. This time it’s Frankie and Paragon.
Beckett: Oh My Stars and Garters!
After it’s over Achilles is worried that Minka would be mad that he threw a party without asking her first. She’s always so serious. It’s hard to tell what she’s thinking.
As Minka nurses Kira she wonders if she made a mistake letting Achilles move in. Was it too soon? Did she do it out of desperation? What if she never falls in love with him? She thought he was a more serious sim like she was. What if every night was a raging party with Achilles around?
Notes: After Achilles’ party he took a job in the Science career track. With Minka earning a Good Reputation she will now be the founder of The Blue Hat Society Club. More info on that in my rules.
Credits: I’m pretty sure the fox is this one by MsBarrows. The chess pieces replacement is by The Ninth Wave here.
Thank you for reading! *hugs*
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